Sunday, July 5, 2009


I have been thinking quite a bit lately about how much people are searching for something real; something spiritual to fill the void we all have. It seems that most are willing to latch onto anything that is not Christianity. Kabbalah, Paganism, Buddhism, etc., but not the one thing which would be bring true happiness and fulfillment - an acceptance of the one true forgiving God. Why is that?

Some would say the reason for this is Christianity is the ultimate sacrifice and people don't like to up the things that they think bring them joy. Some would say it is because it is as God said, the world would hate us. I think both of those are true, but I also think it is because of a perception of Christians that has, at least on some levels, been brought up on the Church from the inside. It is almost as if some Christians revel in the knowledge that many non-Christians want nothing to do with the Church.

I grew up in church and have loved it - most of the time. I have also gone though periods of my life where I was very cynical about church and "religious people." I have seen truly devoted Christians who love God with every fiber of their being and only want to do what is pleasing to God. I have also seen people who appear to be that way yet have an attitude that is judgmental, hateful, and cold towards anyone who would dare to disagree with them. Sadly, I have seen people like this who truly believe they are living their lives as God intends. However, the Bible shows a very different Christian.

Today, my friend, Lucas Parry (@lucasparry for you Twitter folks), spoke about "More Outreach" at church as part of our "More" series. In his talk, he mentioned a book titled, "Unchristian." It is a book about the perception non-Christians have about Christians. He sited a few items from it that spoke directly to what I have thought in the past and what has been very heavy on my mind lately. Non-Christians see us as judgmental, hypocritical, and hateful. Why not? Many Christians give them reason do believe it!

Not wearing the right clothes to church shows you aren't really saved. Right?
Christians hate gays. Right?
Missing a service on Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night is against God. Right?
Having tattoos is just a step on the road to hell. Right?

This post is getting long and has been re-written many times now so I think I will bring it to an end. I plan to cover these topics and many others like them in the coming posts. Some will be what I have found to be true in the Bible. Some will be more open-ended items I am posting to get others opinions. I hope to spark conversation and get you thinking about what you believe and why. I am sure there will be people who disagree with me strongly. I just hope we can have honest, rational discussion about it to get us thinking about what we can do to show Christ's love without letting our man made beliefs get in the way.

Until next time,


Starting over

As both of my readers may have noticed, I have deleted old blog posts and redesigned this blog. Recently, I have decided to take this in a new direction. I will now be a blog about things that are on my mind about the world around me. Hold on tight. Some will be serious, some controversial, and maybe a few humorous. I just hope it will be a place that will challenge you to take time to think about how you think and act with those around you.

The first real installation will be up soon. It is something I have been composing for a while and was bolstered today by Lucas during this morning's message.
